Zippcoin: Women Over Men

Many are losing track of all the up-and-coming digital currencies making their way into the online payments market.  Between Bitcoin, Litecoin, Altcoin, Darkcoin and Dogecoin, we already have quite a few to remember.

Then, some others began popping up… Swiftcoin, PayCoin, Bytecent, Ultracoin, Feathercoin, MiracleCoin… Have we left any out yet?  Is your brain beginning to hurt?

Well, here’s one for you… It’s called Zippcoin, and it’s doing a few interesting things to earn itself some necessary attention.  For example, its users receive a weekly “allowance,” and men receive a smaller amount than women.

Co-founder Ivan Sucharski explains the reasoning behind the decision:

“Like most technology, there are a lot more men that get into it early and really geek out on it.  Virtual currencies are no different.  We wanted a way to add some increased appeal to women, and perhaps getting people to talk about it, or question it (ha!  It worked…) The idea of an allowance to begin with was novel, but we thought we could take it one step further by rewarding women for participating more than men.”

Sucharski explains that reactions to the idea have been mixed, with some looking at the situation with an attitude of humor, and others actually finding it “creepy” and discomforting.

What are your thoughts on Zippcoin?  Post your comments below and share your ideas!

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