How a Bitcoin Scammer Selling Burning Man Tickets Got Himself Burned

If you’ve visited the bitcoin community subreddit over at today, you may have spotted a gem of a thread at the very top of the page.

If you haven’t, here’s a direct link, but I will also make the images available here because they are just too good to not share.

The story goes like this: a Redditor was simply looking to buy a ticket to Burning Man, and when he encountered another user who claimed to have one to sell, it sparked a very interesting correspondence.

Click the images to enlarge.

User Jaxon_Frome said he had the goods to deliver, but the buyer instantly found out something wasn’t right when his account was merely a week old.

When the Redditor received the photo from the seller of the ticket, he spotted what many people might overlook: a crappy photoshop job.

As pointed out in the image, you can see his hand was clearly cut and pasted over an image found on eBay.

The conversation continues with the buyer asking for additional proof that the seller is the real deal.


And so the seller sent another god-awful photoshop to the buyer.

This is where things get a little sour. Realizing the seller is nothing more than a con man, the buyer turns the tables.

The buyer does his own photoshopping.

And the “seller” sends the buyer $10 worth of bitcoin.

And so it concludes with the scammer $10 poorer.

Someone get me a tissue because this is beautiful. Also, don’t scam others because it’s not right, mmmkay?

See the original picture gallery here, and the original thread here.

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