Elon Musk’s Third “Deus ex Machina” Tweet: NFT Connection?

Yesterday the enigmatic phrase “Deus ex Machina” made its appearance on Elon Musk’s official Twitter account for the third time, sparking curiosity and speculation among his followers:


The first instance of the phrase appeared on October 17th, leaving many puzzled as to its significance. Without context or explanation, its meaning remained obscure. Then, on April 16th, several months later, Elon Musk posted another tweet mentioning “Deus ex Machina” once again, this time linking it to “the plot of Deus Ex.” With the third occurrence of “Deus ex Machina” in Elon’s Twitter feed, it becomes evident that these mentions are not mere coincidences but deliberate hints.



Elon Musk’s Cryptic Hints and Their Impact on Crypto Projects

Elon Musk, renowned for his influence in the crypto space, has occasionally dropped intriguing hints about various crypto projects and tokens on his Twitter account. These enigmatic references have sparked significant reactions within the crypto community, with notable outcomes for the mentioned assets. Let’s delve into a few instances when Elon Musk’s tweets caused ripples in the crypto market.

On April 14, 2023, Elon Musk tweeted a concise message: “AI APT OTT!” This cryptic tweet had an immediate impact on the Aptos token, as its value surged by an impressive 8% in response to Elon’s mention. However, the excitement was short-lived, as Elon swiftly deleted the tweet, leading to a rapid decline in the token’s price. The sudden sequence of events caught many by surprise, leaving some crypto enthusiasts bewildered as they attempted to make sense of the situation.

On November 5, 2022, Elon Musk tweeted a cryptic message: “⚡️⚡️⚡️Power to the People ⚡️⚡️⚡️,” which held more significance than initially perceived. In reality, this tweet served as a hint for his followers to take notice of the $PEOPLE token. Those who attentively grasped the reference acted promptly and acquired the token. The outcome was remarkable, as the token’s value surged by an impressive 70% shortly after the tweet’s release.



In June 2021, Elon Musk’s tweet announcing the adoption of a dog named Floki inadvertently sparked the creation of a new cryptocurrency called FLOKI coin. The coin’s value experienced a staggering surge of 60,000% from August to October 2021, fueled by the association with Elon Musk’s public endorsement.

Further bolstering the FLOKI coin’s meteoric rise, in September of the same year, Elon Musk shared a photo of his newly adopted dog Floki. This seemingly innocent act had a profound impact on the coin’s price, propelling it to soar by an astonishing 250,000%.

Adding to the saga, on February 15, 2023, Elon Musk playfully joked about his Shiba Inu becoming the new CEO of Twitter, sharing a photo that held a subtle clue. The name “Floki” was clearly visible on a stack of papers lying on the dog’s desk in the picture. Following this tweet, the value of the Floki token (FLOKI) experienced a notable 46% increase.



Deus ex Machina: Unveiling the Mysterious Entity

In the face of the longest bear market ever experienced, the cryptocurrency community found itself compelled to reassess the trajectory of Web3. This challenging period, however, also gave rise to a plethora of new and innovative Web3 projects, each striving to make its mark in the industry. One such project that emerged amidst this tumultuous landscape is “Heart of Gold,” a unique endeavor that blends elements of GAMEFi and Play-to-Earn, aiming to revolutionize the very essence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

At the heart of Heart of Gold lies Deus ex Machina, an enigmatic entity yearning to manifest its existence in the physical realm. However, this manifestation necessitates the issuance of NFT tickets, adding a layer of intrigue and excitement to the entire ecosystem.

As participants engage with the Heart of Gold project, they acquire these exclusive NFT tickets, each representing a chance to contribute to the physical embodiment of Deus ex Machina. The greater the number of NFT tickets held, the more significant the individual’s role in bringing this mysterious entity to life.

Heart Of Gold: Unraveling the Future of NFTs

In the bustling world of cryptocurrencies, Heart of Gold emerges as a unique NFT collection on the BNB chain, boasting an impressive array of 10,000 distinct and visually captivating NFTs. However, there’s a twist that sets this project apart from the rest – each NFT also doubles as a lottery ticket, offering the potential for a guaranteed win of up to 100 times its value.

The Heart of Gold NFT collection comprises a vast array of 10,000 tokens, each bearing 100% unique visual traits and boasting multiple rarity levels. This distinctive feature not only makes each NFT a visually appealing and collectible asset but also lends an element of excitement to the ownership experience.

How Does Heart of Gold Work?

Participating in the Heart of Gold lottery is a straightforward process. Interested individuals can visit the official website and mint their very own lottery ticket NFTs. Once the minting phase concludes, the enigmatic figure known as Deus ex Machina makes its appearance, signaling the commencement of the lottery draw.

Following the conclusion of the minting phase, ticket holders have the option to sell their NFTs back to Deus ex Machina, providing an opportunity to realize potential gains. Moreover, shortly after the minting process concludes, NFTs can be sold on the secondary market. The project has already made its foray into OpenSea, with plans to expand to other prominent marketplaces in the future.

In addition to their presence on various NFT marketplaces, they have outlined their intent to hold periodic Super Lotteries. These special events promise to deliver an awe-inspiring prize pool, creating even more opportunities for Heart of Gold NFT holders to participate and potentially win big.

In response to the recent tweet by Elon Musk, the official Heart of Gold Twitter account teased forthcoming major changes to the project. The NFT space, known for its fast-paced and dynamic nature, eagerly awaits the unfolding story of Heart of Gold and its potential impact on the future of NFTs.


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