How To Spot A Bitcoin Scammer? Invest With Your Eyes Open

Scams involving cryptocurrencies can take many different shapes. Scammers are after your cryptocurrency just as they are after the money in your bank, and they will do anything in their power to obtain it.

It is helpful to be aware of when and how you are being targeted by scammers and what you need to do if you have reason to believe that a particular cryptocurrency or key technology to it is fraudulent in order to preserve the assets you hold in cryptocurrency.

Scams using cryptocurrencies are not difficult to identify if you are aware of what to look for. Cryptocurrencies that are not scams have their disclosure information easily accessible. This disclosure includes specifics on the blockchain and any linked tokens.

White Paper

A progression can be seen in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. Before this procedure takes place, there is typically a document known as a white paper which is made available for the general public to view.

This paper specifies the conventions, and blockchain specifies the formulas and describes how the entire system will operate.

The people behind fake cryptocurrencies write “white papers” which are badly constructed, have data that just don’t add up, tell readers when they envision the currency would be used, or don’t overall seem like a genuine white paper. Fake coins do not do this.

Team Members

The members and designers behind a cryptocurrency should always be identified in the white paper for that cryptocurrency. It is possible for an open-source cryptocurrency project to lack named developers in some circumstances; nonetheless, this is common with open-source software.

You can examine the majority of the code, comments, and conversations on either GitHub or GitLab. For the purpose of conversation, certain initiatives make use of online forums and programs like Discord.

It is quite likely that this is a scam if you are unable to locate any of these things and also the white paper comes riddled with inaccuracies.

“Free” Items

As a trader, we know each of you must be looking for free rewards, coins, or even discounted deals. And this is the point where you fell prey to the scammer’s fish trap. Scammers always hit a weak nerve while triggering the impulsive personality of travelers which they tend to control via their false claims.

There are many frauds involving cryptocurrencies that promise to “drop” funds into your wallet or offer free coins.

Keep in mind that nothing, not even money or cryptocurrency, is ever going to be given to you for free. We all know expectations hurt.

So only restrict the habit of setting bars high for buying stocks and not your hopes. Since you are here to trade coins not your emotions.


In most cases, investing in cryptocurrencies does not result in financial gain. They are initiatives that have a mission statement and currencies or tokens that are supposed to be utilized in order to facilitate the operation of the blockchain.

Cryptocurrency projects that are legitimate won’t be using social media to promote themselves as the following best cryptocurrency that you should really not miss out on.

You may come across updates on cryptocurrencies that discuss developments in blockchain technology or new security steps taken, but you ought to be wary of notifications such as “$14 million reared” or connectivity that give the impression that they are more concerned with money than they are with advancements in the technology that underpins the cryptocurrency.

There are legit firms and trade assistance systems like bitcoin trader to assist traders via the integration of blockchain-based principles to gain safe and sustainable profits. They may have currencies that can be used within their distributed ledgers to pay processing fees, but the marketing should come across as being much more official.

They will have the financial resources necessary to pay for celebrity endorsements and appearances, and they will make all of the relevant information easily accessible on their respective websites. These companies will instead promote the blockchain-based services they offer rather than requesting that customers acquire their cryptocurrency.

The Bottom Line

The current frenzy surrounding cryptocurrency investments has caused many individuals to be reminded of the Wild West. It is inevitable that con artists will continue to focus their attention on the cryptocurrency ecosystem as it continues to expand and get more complex.

Scams involving cryptocurrencies often fall into one of two categories: those that include social engineering to get a sensitive account or security information, and those that involve convincing a target to transmit cryptocurrency to a digital wallet that has been compromised.

You should be able to recognize a crypto-related hoax early on and prevent it from occurring to you if you understand the common methods that scammers use to steal your data (and ultimately your money).



Image by Sam Williams from Pixabay

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