Dozens of online exchange options allow you to exchange USDT for ETH. However, not all of them support anonymity. In addition, many exchanges have unfavorable terms, and some of them are not entirely secure. Thus, it is crucial to know the best exchange options where you can easily buy USDT to ETH online anonymously without bothering your head too much about other issues like security.
Let’s study in detail the list of tested and reliable crypto exchange sites worth your attention.
LetsExchange is one of our top choices for many reasons. First of all, it has a very handy real-time calculator that shows you current exchange rates every time you want to exchange USDT for ETH. This is very convenient and transparent. No hidden charges will be applied. You see the final amount of ETH coins you will get. Sure thing, everything is 100% anonymous.
More importantly, it allows you to trade a huge number of cryptos. You can choose between 4250+ coins. Let’s say you’d like to exchange BUSD for USDC. No problem. You can do this here: in a matter of minutes. In fact, they have over 18 million crypto pairs available for exchange. So chances are you will find what you need.
This is another good choice for swapping USDT to ETH without uploading your real documents. The platform does not ask you for any KYC details or verifications. So it’s indeed anonymous. One of the advantages of Mexc is that they give you a pretty huge 24-hour withdrawal limit of 30 BTC. This will be enough for most of the traders.
If you want to get another crypto besides ETH, it is possible to choose between over 1000 coins on the platform. MEXC also provides many useful advanced trading charts. One of the drawbacks of this exchange is that for pairs featuring FIAT, it won’t allow you to trade anonymously. This is something you need to take into account.
This exchange has its roots in Hong Kong. It comes with many interesting features, like yield farming, spot trading, and staking. It offers you a limited level of anonymity, meaning you can trade without revealing your real ID on their platform. However, you’ll face the limits associated with trading without KYC. For example, you will be able to exchange only up to 10,000 USD per day without KYC on this site. Still not bad, right?
Another limitation that is worth mentioning is the number of coins they allow you to exchange. You can choose between 600 cryptos. It’s much less than the number of coins the exchanges mentioned above (LetsExchange and MEXC) offer.
Some users report that other features are also quite limited. Thus, you should keep that in mind while considering CoinEx.
Phemex comes next on our list of top exchanges where you can swap USDT to ETH anonymously. All you need is a MetaMask wallet, and you are good to go. They do not ask you to submit your KYC details. However, if you upload these details, the platform will give you more features to enjoy. VIP features and bonuses are not available without KYC. In addition, zero trading fees are not available for users without verification.
On top of that, it is possible to benefit from features like bot trading, spot trading, and copy trading. Feel free to experiment with these features to find out if they work for you. Finally, the number of crypto pairs is not significant. Currently, you can trade with 150 pairs only.
Overall, our list of the top and most credible crypto exchange sites where swapping USDT to ETH is selected based on the possibility of hiding your identity.
Image by Peter Patel from Pixabay