Dorian Nakamoto Accepts Bitcoin Donations, Thanks Bitcoin Community

Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto received the surprise of a lifetime in March when Newsweek’s Leah McGrath Goodman pegged him, a retiree, as the creator of the bitcoin digital currency.

We soon learned after the story reveal that this man was not the Satoshi Nakamoto that invented bitcoin. A previous contractor for the FAA, Dorian is a lover of model train sets and lives quietly in Southern California.

The bitcoin community came together when Andreas M. Antonopoulos, a well-known entity in the community, started a fundraiser for Nakamoto to help him financially as a collective way of saying “we’re sorry for all of this attention”.

To date, the address set up has received upwards of $20,000 worth of bitcoin (47.5 BTC).

Mr. Dorian Nakamoto appeared with Andreas Antonopoulous in a video uploaded Tuesday to thank the bitcoin community for their generosity.

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Nakamoto also took the opportunity to clear his name.

“I’m not Satoshi Nakamoto, as portrayed,” he said. “My name is Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto. And of course, if I was the real creator, I would never use my real name. So from that point of you, I’m sure you guys would know that Satoshi Nakamoto is not me.”

The community has also gained another enthusiast, it seems.

“I would like to further state that I’ll be one of the bitcoin users,” he added. “[A] bitcoin community person who would contribute, even if it’s a little part of this world, for the good of humankind…”

He concluded:

“I’ll keep my bitcoin account for many, many years. And hopefully, I can also contribute as you did to me.”

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