Dutch Energy Company BAS Nederland Accepting Bitcoin Payments

BAS Nederland

Dutch energy company BAS Nederland announced on Thursday that is accepting bitcoin payments from customers, making it the first energy company in the world to do so.

According to the company’s founder, the move aligns with the company’s philosophy of breaking free and reducing dependence from old-school systems:

“Just like BAS, the aim of Bitcoin is to increase independence, ownership, and to empower people to create value themselves. All of these elements appeal to a global audience that breaks free from declining old-world systems, and looks for solutions that serve not only themselves, but their whole environment. What this does is create an entirely new game,” he said.

“At BAS, we are in the midst of empowering our clients to increase their energy independence and become part of a global energy transition that funds itself. Hence our decision to accept Bitcoin made absolute sense.”

The company touts that it’s mission is to pave the way to energy independence, and to “empower a society to make use of 100% renewable resources.”

Do you think that other firms in the industry will follow suit?

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