Investors: Miss the first BitBoom? Here’s second chance, Newbs.

Whats that thing about history? Its hard to remember with so many bit-rivals talking about why your coins are worth dirt right now. Alot of you reading are in the red big time, and others only the few dollars they scraped together in a wallet or exchange. Don’t panic, stay calm, and buy if you can.

Why Bitcoin won’t bottom out..

It was 2014, the year of the Bitcoins, but not because it hit over a thousand dollars, but because of the wide acceptance around the world. Industry titans like Microsoft, and Dell, with nation states accepting or deriving on the concept. is an early adopter of Bitcoin and you can buy as much Nutella as diabetes will allow in dogecoin. Even s unburnt billionaire space Sherpa, Richard Branson will be flying people to space for large amounts of BTC. So there’s a much bigger picture than your investment. The market heals. If there is a pop in this bit-bubble, it wont be until people are casually going to space. So “bear” with us, and buy buy buy.

One Maybe…

Theres is only one maybe here, and it is will Bitcoin ever be this cheap again? If you missed the first gravy train? Hop on now and scoop LTC for $1.30 and FTC for pennies. These coins value have a wide price flux, and will give you more profits. Feathercoin has been fluxing daily from 1-3cent. Buy $100.00 at 1cent, sell when feathers are worth 2cent sell half. Congrats, You have doubled or tripled your gravy soaked investment. Rinse Repeat. Happy Hunting

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