Police Officers in Goodman's Newsweek Piece Confirm Quote By Nakamoto

Nakamoto AP Reporter Screencap

In what could probably be called the greatest he-said-she-said story of all time in the bitcoinosphere, the police officers mentioned in Leah McGrath Goodman’s piece about Satoshi Nakamoto has reportedly confirmed the validity of the quote that was used as the cornerstone of the story.

“I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it,” Nakamoto alleged said. “It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.”

The news comes from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, who sent the officers when Nakamoto contacted them regarding Goodman’s trespassing. According to Captain Mike Parker, “Both sheriff’s deputies agreed that the quotes published in the March 6, 2014, Newsweek magazine Bitcoin article that were attributed to the resident and to one of the deputies were accurate.”

Hours after the story made its debut, Nakamoto took several opportunities to declare he was not, in fact, the Satoshi Nakamoto who created bitcoin.

“That’s not me. I never communicated with bitcoins,” he said to an Associated Press reporter in downtown Los Angeles following what we can assume to be an epic car chase on the I-10 freeway. Nakamoto also said (with regard to his quote) that he was misunderstood.

Meanwhile, the author of the story, Goodman, has been in an all-out media blitz, appearing on several major news networks to stand behind her story and investigation.

This is likely not the last we hear about this. Stay tuned for more updates. In the meantime, what do you make of all of this confusion? Who do you believe? [source: CNET]

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