VICE Working on Bitcoin Piece, Shane Smith Says

In a very brief exchange via Twitter, VICE Media co-founder and journalist Shane Smith hinted that his company was working on a bitcoin piece.

VICE is, of course, famous for a number of their video and film productions, of which include AN INSIDE LOOK AT THE EXOTIC ANIMAL TRADE, and THE VICE GUIDE TO NORTH KOREA (in which Smith himself travels to North Korea).

It’s unclear just what kind of approach VICE will take with this production, however.

There’s the possibility they will cover all glorious aspects of digital currency, bitcoin’s amazing growth, and more. But there’s also the possibility they will solely focus on negative aspects like Silk Road and the use of bitcoin for other illicit activities.

If we can be sure of one thing, if Smith is calling it “very interesting,” it likely is.

This wouldn’t be the first production on bitcoin, though. In fact, a number of films on the topic have already been made.

Most recently we’ve heard of The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin, and a number of others.

Are you looking forward to this production? Do you think VICE will strictly focus on the negative points?

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