Artemine Introduces Revolutionary Decentralized Genesis


Minereum, when it was launched, made a name for itself as the first ever self-mining smart contract to be created in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Since then, the team has been working on creating a better and more powerful platform and the resulting product is Artemine. The platform comes with a variety of features including the possiblity of buying and selling the platform’s Genesis Addresses.  In this article we provide step by step instructions to make use of various features.

Artemine provides a platform to buy and sell Genesis Addresses that can be used for different things. To buy a Genesis Address, the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Go online and visit
Step 2: Select “Contracts” tab
Step 3: On “Interact with Contract” this info should be entered:

Smart Contract Address: 0x5f6e7fb7fe92ea7822472bb0e8f1be60d6a4ea50

Step 4: Click on the “Access” button
Step 5: Ascertain the price of the Genesis Address by choosing the drop-down buy price of the Genesis function. The result would be displayed in Wei, which is Ethereum’s minimum unit. To derive confirmation of ETH value, an ETH unit converter should be used, which can be accessed at
Step 6: To purchase Genesis Address, select the function ‘BuyGenesis’ in dropdown
Step 7: The address of the Genesis address that is to be bought is to be inserted
Step 8: Click on “Write”
Step 9: The specific amount of ETH from point 5 should be inserted into the option “Amount to send”
Step 10: A gas limit of 500000 should be put and the transaction sent.

Confirmation of the success of transaction by checking block explorer. The block explorer would display the transfer of Genesis Address overall balance to the one’s address

To sell Genesis Address, the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Go online and visit
Step 2: Select “Contracts” tab
Step 3: On “Interact with Contract” this info should be entered:

Smart Contract Address: 0x5f6e7fb7fe92ea7822472bb0e8f1be60d6a4ea50

Step 4: Click on the “Access” button
Step 5: Select “SetGenesisBuyPrice” in the Dropdown
Step 6: Unlock the wallet
Step 7: The desired selling price of the Genesis Address in Wei should be entered in the weiPrice field
Step 8: Select “Write”, leave “Amount to send” with 0, insert 500000 gas limit and send transactions afterwards

Artemine provides a platform and avenue for public mining. One can either public mine manually or automatically. To public mine via MyEtherWallet, the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Go online and visit
Step 2: Select “Contracts” tab
Step 3: On “Interact with Contract” this info should be entered:

Smart Contract Address: 0x5f6e7fb7fe92ea7822472bb0e8f1be60d6a4ea50

Step 4: Click on the “Access” button
Step 5: Select “PublicMine” in the dropdown
Step 6: Unlock the wallet
Step 7: Select “Write”, leave “Amount to send” with 0, insert 500000 gas limit and send transactions afterwards
Step 8: To check if the transaction is successful, one can check the transaction on the block explorer.

These detailed steps should be more than enough for the community members to make use of Artemine’s unique features. More information about the platform can be found at 

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