BitcoinPayGate Learn latest entrant Bitcoin Payments Processing

The expansion in the Bitcoin ecosystem has surpassed all expectations. Even as the current value of Bitcoin offers no comfort to speculative investors, the dollar investment inflow has reached all-time highs, and consumer adoption is on the rise. These factors are quickly prompting the leading Bitcoin payment processors, such as Bitpay and Coinbase, to continuously re-innovate their services.

Now among the incumbent list of Bitcoin payment processors, Denmark-based BitcoinPayGate, is fast approcahing the position as the customer’s preferred choice of receiving payments in the digital currency. Recently, the leading payment processor in the UK NorthPayments entered into a collaboration with to add Bitcoin as a payment method.

BitcoinPayGate allows its customers to instantly receive payments in Bitcoin on their websites and in store. The company has three major plans to cater to different groups of customers:

The company’s payment gateway solutions are flexible to any and all needs of the customer. For any queries, requests can be emailed at

The latest entrant in the payment processing industry is also active on social media. Stay connected with the company on Twitter: @BitcoinPayGate.

Have you used BitcoinPayGate yet? Are you looking to adopt bitcoin as a payment method for your company? Let us know!


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