The Commodity Ad Network to fuel the Alternative Content Creators


Unfortunately in today’s age of background political interference, big businesses’ control and the corruption of the information network, those who speak out against dodgy dealings are often silenced by lack of funds, or even defunding.

The Commodity Ad Network wants to change this however as it believes that a network set up between these alternative content creators, and niche advertisers who will bankroll such freethinking – with no hidden agenda – will spell success.

Time for a safe haven for those who speak out

There is a growing problem in the age of internet and free speech in that the ideas of individuals are being monopolised and corrupted by big businesses and even governments to serve their own agenda.

Because creative minds are so poorly paid, despite being hugely influential,there is a market for corporations to buy out these free thinkers in order to crush alternative thoughts, and to streamline influence to their product or agenda.

The Commodity Ad Network is hoping to take a disruptive technology, like cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, in order to fund the alternative content creators to keep doing what they do.

By setting up a transparent, trustless and efficient network of alternative thinkers and creators with niche advertisers, the Commodity Ad Network believes it can ensure the survival of free thought through this age of information.

A pairing of minds on a decentralized network

The Commodity Ad Network has identified the decentralized nature of digital currencies as a potential system to help pair up the right creators with the right advertisers.

Because alternative content creators do not want to answer to anyone – not even the people bankrolling them, they are essentially a decentralised form of information. This pairs well with digital currencies as through their own token, the CDX, based on the Ethereum network, The Commodity Ad Network is of the opinion that free thinkers can keep being funded.

An opening of eyes and minds

The commodity Ad Network’s process is to establish a network of alternative content creators who are not afraid to say the wrong thing to the detriment of their funding. As such, it is believed that a large network of alternative content can be created that will shoot off from the mainstream.

The Commodity Ad Network’s ambitious plan is to allow a safe space for alternative content creators to showcase their websites and thoughts – in the first stage, before opening up a second stage which allows for a video platform, a social media platform, and a search engine.

By placing all the information and payment systems on the Blockchain, The Commodity Ad Network believes it is creating a network that suits its market as it is transparent, open and accessible, as well s trustless.



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