Creditbit Updates Community About CreditDAO and Funds

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Creditbit dev team in a recent post on Bitcoin Talk discussed CreditDAO and funds, and also elaborated upon the token value and exchanges. The update was about the progress the dev team has made on certain project tasks during their short vacation.

The first topic under discussion was CreditDAO and Funds.

The update informed the Creditbit community about the status of soon to be released CreditDAO Smart Contract. According to the update, the Smart Contract are almost on the testing stage and final deployment. Issues like borderline cases and exceptions are being dealt with and a final version of the Smart Contract will be achieved soon.

Second objective is to develop a voting distributed application (dapp), that will enable CRB Token owners to interact with voting system in a more convenient and practical way. Even though firing all functions through Smart Contract is apparently transparent and direct, it is complex to deal with for most users. Therefore, with this step, Creditbit aims to open the voting process to each member and promote accessibility and user friendliness.

Regarding funds, since all CRB Tokens in Funds will be locked and only CreditBOND rewards will be used to develop and promote. These rewards are going to be distributed among several batches with different sizes.

Developers, promoters and community builders will be given these batches of locked Tokens, enabling them to spend only CreditBOND rewards during their development and/or promotion and spend the rest of the batch at the end of locking period. Creditbit, with this step, is promoting the involvement of each developer and promoter, and their mutual trust in the CRB.

As for exchanges and token value, the CRB (ETH) value has stabilized at approx. $1 following its inclusion on some big online exchanges. Though some ups and downs are to be expected, it will increasingly get difficult to manipulate CRB trading value as the community grows bigger.

As of now, Creditbit has been listed on the following exchanges-

Crypto DAO, Livecoin, DABTC.

According to Coinmarketcap, 200,000$ – 500,000$ in value is traded (24h) each day:

The dev team is also actively communicating with other exchanges and hopes to get listed on them soon.

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