Creditbit Videos Explain Project Better Investors; Price Bullish

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Things are looking up for Creditbit holders this week as the price is showing an upward trend. The price not yet hit $1 but with recent release of the finalized white paper, it will not take the crypto long to form parity with the USD. Therefore, this makes the current time period the most apt to buy some cheap CRB for a greater profit.

The Creditbit community and dev team have been working relentlessly to help the new members of the community understand the project better. The recently launched finalized version of white paper was a case in point with its extremely detailed and clear explanation of the entire project. The white paper can be easily understood by anyone in the community, and would help the members have a clear understanding of the project, especially the new members.

The rapidly expanding Creditbit community is seeing many new members. The community is doing its best to help the new members as evident from the queries answered by them on Bitcoion Talk. Further, a series of YouTube videos explaining in detail various topics on Creditbit’s user made YouTube channel have been uploaded. The latest video explains in detail the locking process to get 12% yield.

The new video titled ‘CreditBIT – Locking CRB Tokens For 12% Yield’, is for all those new and old members of the community who do not know how to lock coins to get 12% yield. The video goes at length about how the Bond Reward can be claimed before locking period runs out.

Another video titled ‘Checking Locked Balance And Duration Of Lock’ explaining how to check balance during the lock period has also been uploaded.

Finally, Creditbit continues to see a lot of momentum on DaBTC. The Chinese market has been buzzing with activity with the anticipation of CreditGAME. As of now, CRB/CNY has overtaken CRB/BTC, making DaBTC the leading exchange for Creditbit at the moment. The activity in the Chinese market will only help Creditbit and it is only a matter of time before it is back at $1.

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