Dragon’s Tale is an online Bitcoin Casino that offers players the chance to play an RPG style game while being able to gamble at the same time. Dragon’s Tale is really one of a kind. The game scenario is a virtual world composed by several islands where players will find a lot of strange and exotic casino based games.
The whole game environment is actually a giant Casino where you can bet on practically everything. After signing up, players should pick their avatar and can then go and find a mentor, which is a member of the game community, that will guide them through the initial steps of the game. The players will need to complete several quests in order to level up their character and gain access to more islands and new games.
There are all sorts of mini-games and players can even organize tournaments and other events and lots of Festivals. The game community is also very strong and quite active, so there usually something going on. The islands are managed by Governors. Anyone can become a governor and manage an island and get paid for doing so. However, to become a Governor, a player will need to be very active and have an advanced level.
Dragon’s Tale is so exotic that you won’t even find a craps table, roulette wheel, or blackjack dealer like in other online gambling sites. Instead, you will find a virtual world where you can make money by betting on everything in the game.
Where else would you find a Bitcoin Casino like Dragon’s Tale? Dragon’s Tale is unique, so step aboard this amazing Casino to find the coolest and funniest Casino games ever!
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