Four Features that Make CRB Unique

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Creditbit project has managed to attract a fair amount of traction in the crypto space. Creditbit has been going strong with an ever-expanding community, and its steadily increasing market cap and trade volume. The project boasts of a dedicated dev team, and one of the major reasons for its rapid growth is the unique features it brings to the table.

Putting in hours of hard work, the team behind the project has already launched various intriguing features and plans to introduce several more under the next development roadmap. Some of the features that make CRB unique are:

New concept of issuance

CreditBOND is a locking process in which the token holders lock their tokens for a relatively long period to gain interest. CreditBOND has garnered a lot of interest from the community and is a great way to open up a passive income channel. The system is similar to the traditional ‘yields at bonds’ system.

New concept of distribution

CreditGAME is much anticipated well within the Creditbit community and also in big markets like China. CreditGAME is a distribution mechanism where owners can compete for newly issued tokens. CreditGAME mechanism is dynamic and fun and definitely worth paying attention to.

Innovative decision-making process

CreditDAO is the innovative decision-making process, fully integrated into the token which enables the token holders to participate in future decisions regarding CRB and its development.

The core idea is to give the community a decentralized power to decide all important issues in fair and safe manner.

Advanced implementations of Smart Contracts

CreditIDENTITY, CreditBAY are the two unique features that implement the advanced Smart Contracts technology to envisage a whole ecosystem around the token. CreditIDENTITY is enabling owners of CRBIT (Ethereum) accounts to identify themselves for a purpose of candidature for Executive Board or trading in CreditBAY. The two projects still under development are well worth looking out for.

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