Gamification Awakens Responsibility in Drivers According to Kasko2go

Kasko2go auto insurance application is based on cutting-edge technologies. This unique product has adopted gamification with its vast opportunities to create a community of safe drivers, motivate good driving patterns, and provide customers with a new user experience.

Buying a product or a service is not enough for people. In different aspects of life, it is the user experience that a customer is interested in. If we trace the history of the insurance industry during the period of the last twenty (or even thirty) years, the experiences were traditionally concentrated on compliance with the legal requirements for coverage and pursuit of financial protection. Insurance has been one of the last big offline markets and as a result one of the most customer-unfriendly industries.

In parallel with the rapidly changing consumer lifestyle and mindset, the expectations of the insurance experience has been transforming. Now we all want on-demand products that are able to respond to individual risk. The modern-day consumer would like to become educated, receive a quote, and purchase a policy from the comfort of their vehicle or their home by means of their smartphone within several minutes. Why not?

Fintech came to change banking once and for all, so insurtech can do the same. Chronic mistrust and killer fraud rates are providing ripe opportunities for the tech to revitalize insurance. On the other hand, the insurers are seeking to know more about the customers and have more interactions. Correct and adequate insurance is directly proportional to extensive knowledge of the client. And customer-centric digitalization can be achieved via gamification.

Gamification and people

Let us go back to the basics. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ‘gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing, such as point scoring, competition, rules of play, etc. to other areas of activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service. Gamification is exciting because it promises to make the hard stuff in life fun’. Gamification does not look like a passing fad, it is here to stay.

At the nexus of innovative trends including social networking, behavioral science, IoT, and wearable technologies, gamification appears to be a very powerful lever for the markets willing to enrich digital experiences and implement new customer-oriented business models. The pay-as-you-live offering is at its peak. Gamification, due to its key characteristics and techniques, can influence behavioral patterns of the individual. And building the community of safe driving, which is the philosophy of Kasko2go, is about this change.

Gamification perks help in meeting specific goals. From a psychological slant, gamification works on people because it gives them control — people do not like to be dragged or forced somewhere. Mapping is attractive because we like to know where we are now and where we are going (a progress bar is also a map). Humans love to explore and escape, set goals, and compete with themselves, get rewards and gain a feeling of exclusiveness. Ultimately, gamification triggers a dopamine rush. Yes, it is a truly powerful thing.

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Gamification and insurance

First and foremost, insurers can find efficient ways of repeatedly engaging with consumers via game elements. As long as the consumer wants to choose the right product and understand it, gamification can provide fun ways to accumulate precise risk data and enhance buying and claiming procedures. The insurance industry has been very reluctant to accept technologies, but Kasko2go is the unique product that engages telematics, military grade AI, and gamification to give drivers something new, fair, fun, and effective.

Gamification is tightly connected with an adequate resource management style. In other words, it empowers the clients to play with the levers on the different resources as the means to optimize the account based on various variables important for the user. In the context of the insurance industry, gamification is the source of the greatest potential value in the realm of consumer engagement.

So, what exactly can gamification do for archaic insurance? The first thing that comes to my mind stems from the Oxford Dictionary definition of the concept — gamification can transform ordinary and complex tasks into interesting and entertaining experiences, which motivates the consumer to come back again and again. Gamification strengthens brand awareness as well as penetration and affinity.

It is important to motivate people to enhance their driving culture, and gamification as a toolkit motivates drivers to act in this area on a constant basis, which gradually turns into a norm. Beyond rewards and a beneficial financial rationale, gamification gives simple cues for action and transparent feedback, provides easily definable markers of progress and paths for progression, and provides an intuitive user interface.

Actually, changing the behavioral patterns is not easy at all. The unicity of the high-quality insurtech product is implied in the working formula, creating the awareness that change is definitely a good thing via natural motivators. The combo of telematics (driving behavior monitoring) and a reward mechanism is much more powerful in terms of behavior change than tariffs, calculating the renewal premium on the same set of variables.

Kasko2go wraps gamification around the idea of the safe driving community, providing the game-based incentivizing instruments for those who achieve a certain level. Gamification is the source of data, giving insights on buying behaviors as well as customer risk profiles. Practitioners receive up-selling and cross-selling opportunities via science and the art of making tedious things fun.

Just imagine that the application actually challenges you. If you do not exceed the safe speed limit during ten days you get one hour of free insurance. Or think of it this way: if you acquire the title of the neighborhood’s safest driver of the month you receive a free inspection. Basically, the application provides a number of pleasant perks, motivating drivers to think about safe driving more often.

Definitely, there are still barriers to entry, as market players are short of answers to all the existing questions. However, this state of affairs makes insurers best positioned to search and find those answers. Insurance entities which think they can wait a couple of years before starting to embrace gamification are doomed: 10-15 years from now they will become a thing of the past. Product development demands us to weave creative thought inside the product development chain, becoming equipped with competencies enabling gamification dynamics management and a partner ecosystem. Step up, because gamification is the new black.

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