Genesis Vision Brings Blockchain to Crypto and Financial Markets


Genesis Vision is a platform that has prospered in both the traditional private trust management markets and crypto assets management markets. With the emergence of blockchain technology, and consequently the newest generation of smart contract protocols, untapped niches have begun to surface, and most are all but ready to erupt in the coming months.

Establishing a headquarters in Ireland, one of the few countries that are still very lenient toward ICOs, allows for the minimization of legal and other risks, pertaining to the project advancement. Practically speaking, all the current as well as future regulations/restrictions, will not impact the platform development or growth rates for that matter.

Cryptocurrencies and assets have ushered in a new age, and thanks to new fintech discoveries and innovations, a much more diverse group of users have begun trading over the long term and day-to-day too. Now even younger people are testing these markets, the barriers to entry that plagued the old archaic systems, have almost disappeared completely. However, the new digital generation is still only familiar with cryptocurrencies and their specific nuances. This is where Genesis Vision plans to excel, bringing together crypto assets traders, as well as traditional forex, stock markets, and other financial product/asset managers.

The company is poised to take the crypto scene by storm, and having access to 400 other client companies/contacts via numerous partnerships and collaborations, guarantees that no other firm will be able to take on this gargantuan task swiftly. The team behind it all possesses the immense technical know-how and practical knowledge. Maintaining and developing software, relating to these brokerage groups and firms, was one of the primary focal points of their endeavors and enterprise, during these past years.

Tools for Brokers, a company of Genesis Vision’s co-founder, already sells similar centralized tech to what is on offer is planned to be actively involved in the many ensuing months of development. The prior software has already been purchased by more than eighty different companies around the world, so there is actual real-world use behind all of these solutions, with a $100 billion turnover from these software products alone.

Out of the 400 previously mentioned client contacts, a vast majority are directly and indirectly associated with brokerage firms. At least 100 of them will join the distributed system and platform in less than two years; this, in turn, is going to lead to stronger connections relevant to exchanges and so on.

The current development team is greatly experienced in developing financial software, in addition to traditional trust money management systems. When we factor in that this traditional market has ballooned to $70 trillion, the potential for expansion into the forex, stock, and cryptocurrency markets is practically endless.

Most of the common exchange functions are built on top of a tried and tested institutional blockchain framework, which allows for a wide array of professionals and typical users to coexist and prosper in tandem. Institutional brokers, traders, and investors gather to form a decentralized, open and provisionally fair network. Regardless of locality or circumstances, anyone can partake in all the new opportunities that such a globalized stage has to offer.

Unlike competing products, there is notably less bureaucracy and red tape to deal with. A key point of interest, since veteran market traders and key institutional players, will feel right at home on the platform. The system is also open to all atypical traders as well, no matter how controversial or anti-mainstream their strategies may be. The cryptocurrency space is evolving at a rapid pace, and conventional wisdom and academia may have a hard time keeping up in some cases.

Scaling is something competing brands fail to offer on day by day basis. The Genesis Vision platform has created a foundation that permits scaling in all directions, thereby horizontally integrated complementary ideas/strategies, and also vertically tying together users that would not normally interact with a conventional organizational structure.

Correspondingly, traders (and other participants within the unique architecture) are able to greatly scale their operational and long-term strategies by attracting investments, and above all else attention from all corners of the globe.

Benign and rudimentary tasks are a thing of the past. The latest iteration of smart contracts has been hard-coded into this blockchain and thoroughly tested to boot. Security is a top concern, and repeats of fiascos from less experienced, and immensely less capable development teams will never arise. Smart-contracts are audited by Zerion for added peace of mind, while everything else that is more business-centric is scrutinized and surveyed by the Financial Commission.

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