Trade24 – Providing the Best Services in the Industry


Established in 2007, Trade24 is a Forex broker offering the finest user experience in the industry. The company mission is to provide top-notch trading services for anyone looking to utilize the Forex market to profit. Since its first stage back in 2007, Trade24 has provided its clients with an open line of communication ensuring both honesty and transparency in a secure trading environment.

Trade24 offers its customers direct unfettered access to commodity, stock and currency markets. Some of the most popular financial instruments include stocks like Apple, Facebook, and Tesla. Commodity traders enjoy the company vast selection of securities such as gold, oil, silver and sugar. Currency traders can also bid on various pairs including the EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/CAD. Trade24 also offers index trading and the platform has the entire index portfolio including the NASDAQ, the DAX, and the FTSE.

Upon registration, all clients will be eligible to access the company’s various financial tools such as signals and algorithmic trading. Clients can also contact one of the company’s economists for useful market insight. Most importantly, the trading experience of our users is the company also offers generous bonuses, informative webinars as well as plenty of professional encouragement.

Traders patronizing Trade24 can gain ECN access to the FX market using advanced trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4, SIRIX and Signal Trader. All trading platforms that Trade24 provides can be used on both PCs and handheld devices supported by Android and iOS systems respectively. All client transactions are enabled by international banks such as UBS and HSBC. This allows traders to gain direct access to the Forex market 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

New traders are joining Trade24 every day and currently more than 300,000 people are already trading on Trade24 innovative platform. If you are searching for the right Forex Broker to start trading you should give Trade24 a try!

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