BTC Exchange Bittrex Says “So Long” to Three Dozen Crypto

For those of you who have read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” you probably remember the classic rule revealed at the end of the story…

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

Napoleon’s classic manipulation of the animal code seems to be making its way into a number of different arenas, one of them being digital currency.  Even the world of bitcoin and its altcoin cousins are susceptible to similar twists.

Bitcoin exchange Bittrex is removing a staggering 36 different cryptocurrencies from its platform today, Sunday the 15th.  I guess some currencies just aren’t as good or as “equal” as other currencies.

While no specific reason is being given for the removal of the digital currencies, it appears that Bittrex has warned against the fair majority of them in the past, flagging them for what they’re labeling as “broken blockchains.”

We can all probably agree that the most widely-used and most prominent of all the cryptocurrencies in existence is bitcoin, with the titles of second and third in command falling on the shoulders of its altcoin counterparts dogecoin and litecoin.  Maybe even darkcoin, when you think about its recently elevated stature.  The rest, however… Well, let’s just say that there are a lot of coins out there still trying to make a name for themselves that many people have still never heard of.

Some of the digital currencies slated to be removed from Bittrex include AnonCoin, HawaiiCoin, DeepCoin, DarkShibe, and VikingCoin.  Users on Bittrex’s platform have been warned over the last 30 days that no refunds will be issued for remaining amounts beyond today.

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