WhaleClub Surpasses Worth of Bitcoin-powered Trading Volume


Everyone involved in the bitcoin ecosystem will have heard the name WhaleClub before. The group focuses on bitcoin-powered trading and they have been around for some time. In a recent blog post, the company unveiled they surpassed US$1bn worth of total traded volume, which is quite significant. All of this goes to show the futures of bitcoin and financial trading are entwined.

WhaleClub Is Firing On All Cylinders

Anyone who has ever checked out the WhaleClub website will know what this platform is all about. In the first place,  it provides bitcoin with additional use cases. Trading stocks, metals, or foreign currencies with bitcoin is quite appealing to both mainstream and cryptocurrency traders. With over 15,000 traders served and 190 supported countries supported, WhaleClub has become a mainstream platform taking bitcoin-powered trading to a whole new level.

Rather than going through centralized entities such as banks and brokers, WhaleClub brings access to the worldwide markets to bitcoin traders worldwide. In fact, the platform extends this functionality to everyone in the world. It is rather straightforward to use this platform, and there are no high fees involved in the process either. Additionally, users can remain anonymous while using the WhaleClub platform, which is part of what makes it so appealing.

All of these features explain how WhaleClub surpassed US$1bn in volume traded. The past year has been tremendous for this platform and there is a lot more to come. In a recent blog post, CEO Perry Steegen explains how a range of new updates has been released. A wide range of highly requested features was added to the platform. It is good to see the company take customer feedback to heart and use it to improve their platform.

It is interesting to note the platform trading volume has seen a significant boost over the past few weeks. A January 28 blog post indicates US$800m worth of bitcoin was traded on the platform. Just two weeks later, that volume surpassed the US$1bn mark. Quite an impressive gain, to say the least. It is evident bitcoin is a more than a viable trading vehicle to access traditional financial markets. All things considered, things are looking very positive for bitcoin and WhaleClub right now.

Header image courtesy of Shutterstock

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