Technology firm BlocksScan Presented a CBDC Compatible Wallet XDCPay2.0 to XDC Community

●       The most recent Metamask code is now included with XDCPay 2.0.

●       Beta version of the XDCPay browser extension wallet is available for testing within the XDC Community.

BlocksScan, the technological firm that delivers high quality blockchain solutions has added the contributions towards XDC Network Ecosystem with the successful upgradation of XDCPay 2.0. Notably, XDCPay 2.0 has been upgraded with the most recent MetaMask code with user-friendly UI and global standard to support the CBDC. Digital wallets like XDCPay can be used as the interface for users to send or receive payments of CBDCs to other users or business units. The CBDC systems can adopt the new XDCPay digital wallets which can support P2P (Peer-to-Peer) mode and P2M (Peer-to-Multi peer) mode at the user end. The P2P and P2M modes would guarantee the security of transfer as well as the privacy of users in any transactions.

The beta version of the XDCPay browser extension wallet is currently accessible for testing inside the XDC Community. The XDCPay extension provides access to XDC Network’s XDPoS-enabled distributed applications. The extension injects the XDC’s XDPoS web3 API into every website’s Javascript context, allowing dApps to read from the blockchain. Also, the XDCPay extension allows users to create and manage their own identities. 

XDCPay2.0 Moving Towards Global Standard

The latest upgrade in  XDCPay 2.0 has enhanced the wallet to the global standard that is CBDC Compatible and user friendly. The upgraded version involves fixing of submitting incorrect passwords on the reveal seed phrase screen, password verification on requesting seed phrase, timing-reliant network controller test, connection removal bug, no-case-declarations, import/extensions, import/order, and the radix. In renowned browsers such as Brave, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, the upgraded XDCPay2.0 Beta browser extension is now available for download.

With its numerous technological contributions to the web3 ecosystem, 2022 was a successful year for BlocksScan. Evidently, BlocksScan made a significant contribution to the improvement of the XDC Network in Andromeda. Moreover, the integration of the XDC Network with a variety of dApps such as Ledger, MyEtherWallet, MyCrypto, DCent, Sourcify, Guarda Wallet, and TradeTrust, and the creation of a decentralized storage infrastructure for XDC like StorX Drive are the major achievements of BlocksScan, whereas they also offer explorer for other EVM compatible blockchain networks.


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