An International Bitcoin Day might just be the right thing to add to our modern day calendar. Of the few 365 days that we have in a year, the number of days dedicated to different causes only keeps increasing. International Bitcoin Day is not one among them. It is rather a genuine call for support to spread awareness and increase adoption of this fascinating digital currency. Before delving deeper into the specifics of the International Bitcoin Day campaign, we need to appreciate the relevance of this marketing campaign that has an activistic twist to it.
Question: What is the greatest hurdle to the adoption of Bitcoin?
Answer: The greatest hurdle is to get a new (read Non-Bitcoin) user to get understand Bitcoin.
But when people get past this hurdle, it is mostly certain that they will continue to keep those Bitcoin, and may be even use it. The larger question that’s looming now is this — how do we get more people to try Bitcoin? The answer to this question is a challenge, which forms the core of this campaign.
The International Bitcoin day is all about answering this single question — “What if everyone in the world used Bitcoin for a day?” May be too big, may be too ambitious, but so is the Bitcoin — ambitious, big and disruptive by design.
International Bitcoin Day – Campaign Details
This mass action activist marketing campaign is the brainchild of the group that goes by the name ‘International Bitcoin Day’ from New York. Their twitter handle is @IntBtcDay and from my experience, they follow back and respond fast. International Bitcoin Day’s main website, lets you register with your email ID to sign the pledge and participate to show your support for the campaign.
In addition, the supporters and enthusiasts can download Banners, share on their social networks and can even make a donation in Bitcoin to extend their support.
When is the International Bitcoin Day?
April 7th, 10 AM EDT is the time when all your supporting tweets and social shares from will enter the Internet, making it one hell of a thunderclap campaign.
How can you support?
You could extend your support for International Bitcoin Day with a simple social media shout-out with
You could also make a BTC donation for the campaign to the following BTC address: 15U1ycTiSrBwV2k9bnEVevt245irYGqwUc
Thanks for the great article! I’d just like to make one correction. The Thunderclap for International Bitcoin Day (IntBtcDay) is April 7th. This is a promotional event. The actual International Bitcoin day is going to be on the same date the genesis block was created (when Bitcoin was first created), which means it will be held on January 3rd.
Not to be disrespectful, but don’t expect much too come out of this people.
Looky…crickets no thunderclap no movement in btc…nothing….