Yesterday, we were all heartbroken by the news of the terrorist attack on France. At least 87 were killed at the Bataclan concert hall; 18 at Boulevard de Charonne; 14 at Rue Alibert and five at Rue de la Fontaine au Roi.
Ghost Security Group is an anti-terrorism group of ethical hackers who are standing in the front lines of the digital war against ISIL. Ghost Security Group started analyzing an enormous amount of data, in an attempt to track the attackers of France attacks.
Luckily, I managed to interview one of the guys at Ghost Security Group and asked him a few questions about ISIL, Bitcoin and yesterday’s attacks.
(Note: we won’t reveal his name to protect his identity against any possible retaliatory reactions by ISIL).
In view of yesterday’s terrorist attacks on France, did Ghost Security Group notice any abnormal activity from ISIL’s personnel that you are tracking? Were there any alarming signals?
Yes, we did detect several indicators of an attack impending and are currently in the process of collecting valuable evidence for United States government officials. I cannot go into more detail at the moment on current investigations.
A lot of people, and I am one of them, think that ISIL are extensively using Bitcoin for funding their operations. Did you ever manage to track bitcoin addresses related to ISIL? If they are mainly in Syria and Iraq, how do they cash their bitcoins?
The Islamic State does use cryptocurrencies as a form of income to fund their ongoing operations and we have managed to uncover several Bitcoin addresses used by them. One of the accounts we analyzed was found to contain 3 million U.S. dollars worth of Bitcoins. More on that incident can be found here at
Did you ever manage to hack and shut down websites that raise bitcoins for ISIL?
Most of the Bitcoin funding sites utilized by the Islamic State are on the deep web and we have managed to uncover several and successfully shut them down in order to limit the funding extremists receive through the use of cryptocurrencies.
4- Is there any evidence that ISIL are using cryptocurrencies other than BTC to raise money? Do they have bitcoin farms for mining?
Most of the evidence we have seen thus far indicates that BtC is their prime form of cryptocurrency. It is currently
unknown if they have the capability to mine Bitcoin but they do receive donations on a regular basis.
5- How can Ghost Security Group help France track the criminals who plotted and executed this massacre?
Anyone can assist us by reporting any tips they may receive to We are also a nonprofit organization whom are self funded by our staff. Individuals interested in assisting us financially are welcomed, so we can purchase much needed additional computer equipment to combat the Islamic State with can donate via Bitcoin at the following address.
Ghost Security Group Bitcoin Address:
6- If someone would want to volunteer to help you guys, how can he/she do that?
Reporting any suspicious activity to assists us greatly through crowdsourcing data in order to detect new threats.
1- The Guardian. Paris attacks: day after atrocity – as it happened. 14th of November, 2015.
2- DW. Bitcoin: Islamic State Online Currency Venture
You should fix Ghost Security’s bitcoin donation address. It’s not a valid address in all caps like that.
Fixed. Thanks for the heads up 🙂
That was not only a valid criticism, but very much in the interest of Ghost Security. Who exactly is the loon here?
Can you ban Brunoxxx? Please.
Well, it seems he is annoying all of us. The mystery is; if he really hates BTC and calls it “bitcrap”, why does he keep following its news and me PRECISELY??
Can we get some proof of the bitcoin address which is claimed to be ISIL?
I believe the saying is, “Blockchain or gtfo!”
It’s a valid saying. GhostSec has been rabbiting on about this $3M wallet address since at least September, and AFAIK they haven’t released blockchain links, as would be usual when exposing BTC dodginess.
“TxID or it didn’t happen” would also be valid.
Since last September and you want to give them time?
This bastards are financed by big dollars not a few btc donations.
yep, and most of that is coming from governments like the US! In dollars or guns directly.. look into that instead of a few BTC..
actually they are, dude.. basically without the US government al qaeda would have never existed.. never knew that bush and osama where good friends and doing business before all that.. ISIS is just another al queda.. do your research and dont make dumb comments on every comment here.. you have nothing better to do?
Also it is “No Bart” not “Not bart”
lol, because Bart asked if you had nothing better to do, and you respond by quibbling a typo and throwing an insult…
You really *don’t* have anything better to do, do you?
I’ve always been vocal in my support of trolls in Bitcoin comment sections. It would be a shame if everyone in Comments had the same opinion; trolling is a Good Thing for rational argument.
But I think, Brunoxxx, that you don’t know the difference between a Troll and a Hater.
You name-call like a badly-brought-up 13-year-old, and anyone who disagrees with your unresearched babble is a ‘moron’ or a ‘dipstick’.
I don’t think anyone here minds your trollery. But everyone hates a hater.
Anti-social; calling someone a stoner for just opposing your opinion?
http address …
Yeah, because the rest of all criminal activity in the world is not done with central banking fiat currencies, right?
You don’t seem to voice your concerns about the fact that basically all criminal activity is being transacted in fiat.
Not to mention the inherent flaws of the fiat system like fractional reserve banking, inflation, no transparency, too much power in a few hands.
These hurt everyone on the planet expect the issuers and their cronies.
impolite to all, so much hate inside of you
stupid shit the banks big companies and corrupt goverments only let bitcoin look bad! I can smell the poop in their pants already ?Youre done soon!! People need only to wake up and see the advantage
Clickbait mixed with FUD, lies and lack of evidence. Shame on you newsbtc
1.) Bitcoin is beneficial for everyone, including “good” and “bad” people, just like the internet or even shoes or nay other tool which makes ones life better.
2.) Present blockchain evidence or GTFO (relevant to the MMM ponzi and similar FUD articles as well)
“The MMM evidence is in plain sight fool!”
Show me the evidence then.
btw, I wonder why do you hate bitcoin so much?
Based on your comments you clearly invest a lot of energy in hating it.
The information is out there, everyone can decide to utilize it or not.
As for trolls like you, I recommend getting a life. 🙂
No evidence, more ad hominem attacks.
You’re a lame troll.
When you claim something, you have the burden to provide proof. Otherwise people might think that you are full of BS, mentally retarded or a paid troll. 😉
All I was asking for proof to back up your claims, like a link to the transactions showing the scale of MMM on the blockchain.
If it was huge then there have to be blockchain evidence. 🙂
still waiting for proof
Totally agreed. If Brunoxxx calsl us here all morons for supporting bitcoin, why bother coming here? I bet he is a teller in one of those multinational retail banks who is shivering and getting nightmares of “huge bitcoins” swallowing him!!!!!!!
Had enough/ I will poll all commentators on this page if they would vote for banning you as you have been impolite, intolerable and irrespectable.
🙂 +1 for ‘irrespectable’, but I can’t tell if it means “irresponsible+disrespectful”, or “someone who cannot be respected” 🙂
No, my friend , it only means that I have to go to bed because I am starting to invent new words 🙂
freedom of speech =/= freedom to abuse others.
What Brunoxxx wants here is “Freedom to spew hatred and insults”, and that isn’t widely recognised as a human right.
What is ISIS XBT address and what is the proof that it belongs to them!?
Same old hype against BTC once again. Let’s blame cryptocurrency, cause god knows they cannot be using Fiat. There is absolutely no reason Not to post the Bitcoin address if the address in question actually does exist. Even if it does, where is the hard proof that the wallet belongs to ISIS groups in the first place? Sounds like a smoke and mirrors agenda again most likely perpetrated by the Big Banks and Corps.
Never said Bitcoin wasn’t or Isn’t used, but also at the same token I am more than willing to bet that Fiat is used more often than Bitcoin is. If your stupid enough to believe otherwise than your just propagating ignorance. Again on the same token, you cannot trace Fiat so easily, so Bitcoin is an easy Target, IF the said address actually exists, which no one has posted the proposed address so there is no actual Proof anyone other than “Ghost Security Group”, and the government that would have any knowledge of this supposed wallet.
Really that isn’t too surprising considering the governments, which is fairly obvious from this article, are not really looking at crypto as a form of funding. Plus using the Dark Web doesn’t help matters either. Maybe the article should have shed a little more light on the inner working of both and the fact that Bitcoin/Blockchain does actually have other uses other than just for funding of criminals which makes this article seem bias.
Yes I realize that is not the main subject but the direction it is taking is showing an apparent Bias. Which most people, unfortunately don’t do their due diligence looking into. I would say the majority of people in their own ignorance would see an Article such as this one and write everything to do with Blockchain Tech and or Bitcoin as complete garbage that is used only for funding criminals and not look around on their own to see that there are other uses that have much better reasons for the use of the technology.
It is a sad effect of over saturation in the media and news outlets. People just see the first articles head line and after that the rest just kind of fizzles out do to ignorance, lack of time, patience etc. that the majority seem to follow.
Last I checked, me basically saying the world is full of dumb ignorant people really isn’t seeing Rainbows and Unicorns. Let alone looking at your prior posts your basically the Pot calling the Kettle Black there bud. If anything I am middle of the road, I can see the good side and the bad side, the problem is always going to exist whether it be Fiat, Bitcoin, or some other form of currency etc. You on the other hand seem to only see the negative.
Lol and you want to talk about being biased. Obviously you have very little working knowledge of what it can be used for and or got burned so bad you can’t see it any other way. I mean I can take it buy a plane ticket, rent a hotel, car, website, buy anything from food to electronics etc. All without the need to convert to fiat. On the flip side I can always convert to fiat if need be for whatever reason. As for the actual block chain. How about you go read what is coming and what has already been done.
You really need to do research before you spout nonsense. All Satoshi said was he was moving on to other things. That is so freaking vague it could mean anything from I am going to be working on things that the government are forcing me to do, to I am dying and am moving on.
No, that’s a lie.
Satoshi decided to leave the project, due to wikileaks acceptance of bitcoin to bypass the banking blockade.
Please stop trolling and spreading lies.
A few things..and if any of what I post was aforementioned, apologies ahead of regards to ‘what’ Satoshi (he, she, or they) solved with blockchain technology and its first application, Bitcoin, as we all know of it; and, this was not present prior to the whitepaper being unleashed – not as hyper-vitamined NASA record keeping or anywhere is the consensus mechanism that proposes and completes a way to prevent double-spending of bits (coins) created via digital signatures. Moreover, a node decentralized proof-of-work public record and history of transactions aka the distributed ledger of which becomes computationally impractical for an attacker or cheater thief spend the same monies twice as long as a majority of the nodes on the network remain honest. TL;DR – the double-spend and Byzantine General problem concurrently put to rest in a concise and beautifully simple articulated 9 pages of fuck yes – depending on font size. It would, however; be accurate to say that some of the precursors/attributes/pieces were present and put to work prior – as with Dr. Adam Back’s Hashcash and Szabo’s bit gold proposal, papers on digital contracts/oracles etc..
Also, while it’s true no one knows why Satoshi decided to “move onto other things” , it’s interesting to note that one of the last known, verifiable volleys of discourse he had with Gavin was when Gavin told him that the CIA had asked him to speak about Bitcoin and that he had decided he was going to oblige them and go.
Just my two bits.
Actually, Brunoxxx, that was Reischuk’s two bits, not yours.
Just sayin’.
[edit: lol, I see Brunoxxx has left the building.]
Nope, you don’t get it because you’re too lazy (or stupid) to understand it.
You haven’t proved a thing by copypasting Reischuk’s abstract, and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
If you think BTC and crypto is crap, why bother and come here to read what bitcoiners write? Go to your beloved retail banking blogs, and leave us as we all believe in BTC here…
Please, Brunoxxx, share with us any pre-2009 Blockchains that you know of. We’re all ears.
Or perhaps you haven’t quite understood blockchain?
For a blockchain, the hash of each block is dependant on the hash of the previous block, which in turn is dependant on the hash of the previous block…
Does this also apply to NASA’s catalogue? I understand this to be more of an SHA-encrypted database in which the order of the pics is arbitrary…
He didn’t claim to have invented SHA-256. That’s a standard hashing algorithm, and yes, it’s been around for a while.
What Satoshi invented was the blockchain – the bit about “every block is dependant on all the blocks that went before” is what’s relevant here.
No you’re not. You’re implying quite a bit more when crypto is singled out and the amount of business they do in US Dollars, for example, is not.
Proof MF, do you have any?
black oil is traded on USD dollars… thats where the story is
I read zero evidence in the article to justify the headline.
Where is the proof to the claim?
Truly if you all are so offended and put off by Brunoxxx’s posts and comments, why do you take the time and give him/her the satisfaction of an answer or comment. Merely skip the comment and think for your selves and give your valid opinion. Ones only continue to bully if they have someone to bully.
An article filled with misinformation and no proof. Fess up the $3 million public address or delete this stupid article.
For everyone who wants them to post the address, it’s possible that they’ve uncovered the address but not been able to do anything about shutting out access to it, you don’t want to publish an address that could allow people to donate money to terrorists. It’s also possible that they don’t want the people who donated to that address to know that intelligence services are aware of it and have them fry their computer gear to get rid of that evidence, if you arrest someone and they’ve donated to that address it’s important to know. Perhaps they have it listed as a keyword in various data gathering programs, anyone sharing it can be monitored, publishing it kills it’s usefulness in that regard. Basically there are lots of reasons they might not want to let it out.
Have to say though, you can’t help but wonder how many of these ISIS funding addresses are actually owned by people who are more likely to buy a new Porsche than fund terror, certainly seems profitable.
It’s as simple as 1 TX number or 1 wallet and I can validate it- but this is BS without those 2 things- Print the Wallet ID as PROOF – I can show you all kinds of wallets with over 3 million BUT WHO owns them takes a lot of tracking. I don’t believe the BS – 63 dollars in the account – Big buck guys— most of it comes from Germany and france BTW
But the left their Bitcoin Address –
TransactionsNo. Transactions6Total Received$ 63.86Final Balance$ 63.86 –
I couldn’t believe it when I read of post from Coindask saying it was NewsBTC that first spread this story, I’m very disappointed.