Many exciting NFT players are emerging in the London and global crypto art scene. We all sense that there is a massive potential flippening happening with the physical and digital art expressions via blockchain innovations. The amount of fakes running rampant in the legacy art world is not something made public, as the big players don’t want you ever to doubt what you are buying. The truth is that even with Sotherby’s and Christie’s up to 50% of their art catalogues can be fakes. Wolfgang Beltracci is one of the most notorious whose fake got onto the cover page of a Christie’s cataloque. They are the ones with the muscle actually to verify these works, so you can imagine what the rest of this process is like for more independent operators.
Hackatao is nr.1 on Superrare according to sales.
Knowing that the artist uploaded the NFT from a verified account, from a collectors point of view, might make a massive difference in how art value perception and holding can be seen in the near future. This also still leaves out the convenience of trade across borders on international platforms like Blockchain Art Exchange, Super Rare, Codex Protocol, and Known Origin. Collectors like Whale Shark Pro , Moderats and Basileus.eth are pushing the industry forward by making four or even five-figure buys. We are early days and most artists would make a lot more working at McDonald’s, however, the names are crafted now.
ETHGirl by Trevor Jones and Money Alotta
Hackatao, XCOPY, and Coldie are killing it on Superrare. Check out this transparent sales list, which by the way is also not something the art world is known for. In this article, Alan Smale interviews Whale Shark Pro about the process and evaluation he uses to pick up pieces. The collab of Money Alotta and Trevor Jones lifted to five figures for the Picasso inspired pieces with an AR function.
As many of my colleagues still don’t know this, I’m tempted to repeat it here. Personally, I’m still waiting for the right opportunity to start tokenizing my 350 digital originals, which I’ve been creating since 2008. The process of bodypainting and painting is captured with a camera and then made whole via photoshop, and recently also with After Effects and other software. The above Suomen Kuvalehti (Equivalent of the national Time Mag) article from 2009 was the first national publication done about the all-digital creations, which were then transferred to metallic emulsion prints for monetization with a twist. There were no blockchain solutions back then so patiently waiting for the right time & support now. Luckily some collectors, like Sasha Baksht share my view on art that attempts to give you an epileptic seizure with not much other substance.
Bloomsbury Glam
So what if there was a show that mixes both the physical and NFT art together? And it was held at the Bloomsbury Gallery
Opening night: 12th of Feb
Runs until 28th
The Bloomsbury Gallery
34 Bloomsbury St, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3QJ
I’m personally bringing art from the Veena Malik Project, physical crypto art as well as NFT’s uploaded to BAE. The pieces include “Flower Of Life”, “Stereoscopic” and “Pacman Vomits on Sunset Strip”.
Stereoscopic also has a AR function that you can check out via downloading the Zappar app.
Other artists in the show include Tom Badley, Graceland London, Minju Kim, Lans King, and Johnathan Hillson.
Mechanical Flesh by Minju Kim
No Luck for ol’ Lady Antiquity by Robness
At every turn, like what was done to Gustav Klimt, the up and coming artists state the past era done by declaring the past masters done. Let’s see if they have the muscle to turn things.
See you in London next,
Crypto Artist
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