Bloomzed Limited Charity Token Offering – the Future of Digital Charity


The picture of the world has changed significantly today. The negative impact on the economies of all world countries due to the spread of coronavirus is obvious. All markets have sunk, the exchange rates of traditional assets (the dollar, oil, gold) have fallen, and only the cryptocurrency shows record values over the past few months. This means that digital gold is least affected by global economic crises. On the contrary, many investors are looking for an alternative to traditional assets in such a difficult period. The cryptocurrency effectively acts as such an alternative.

Another equally important aspect of digital assets is their use for charitable purposes. The first to start working with the cryptocurrency market were non-profit and public organizations due to the fact that blockchain technologies expanded the possibilities of raising money for good purposes. Thus, there are no losses in the form of interest for intermediaries, and the amount of donations is delivered very quickly from anywhere in the world. Blockchain technology is more effective and protects against corruption and fraud. People from all over the world can make their contribution easily and quickly by simply using the phone. Cryptocurrency transfers are safe and transparent.

Bloomzed engages the world in the fight against a large-scale disease

Today, the cryptocurrency as a source of charitable funds is still at the beginning of its path of becoming. Not everyone knows about this possibility of providing assistance. Not everyone is ready to donate funds this way, doubting the intended use of funds, which is quite difficult to track in the end. The team of the Bloomzed fintech project, which is developing a large-scale, universal payment tool using cryptocurrency, not only solved this problem, but also introduced a completely new mechanism for carrying out charitable activities.

The thoughts about how to help the world fight the coronavirus pandemic occupied the Bloomzed founders` minds. Long thoughts on this topic led the project team to launch a whole charity movement in support of the entire world community in the fight against coronavirus – “Bloomzed’s High5 Covid -19 Relief Movement”. As part of this movement, Bloomzed has implemented several areas and opportunities to participate in it. So, “Social Challenge” involves people all over the world to participate in the project large-scale action and support their initiative in the fight against COVID-19 with the help of an interactive challenge. “Challenge to Businesses” is aimed at private entrepreneurs and legal entities who are also ready to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic by providing various discounts and benefits during this difficult period for the whole world. More information about these Bloomzed initiatives can be found on the project’s official website.

Limited Charity Token Offering – a new digital charity tool

Today, many crypto enthusiasts are just starting their cooperation with global charitable associations. Pursuing good goals, the Bloomzed founders are trying to attract as many people as possible to the problem of fighting COVID-19. Having implemented their charitable movement, namely, having launched its third direction – Limited Charity Token Offering, they thus turned to the large-scale crypto community, which, in turn, will be able to make a significant contribution to solving this world problem.

If we talk about what Limited Charity Token Offering is, then this is a fundamentally new way of performing charitable activities. As part of this initiative, the Bloomzed project creators allocated 2 million BZT tokens for a total of $10 million. The collected funds from the sold coins will be transferred to charity funds for the fight against coronavirus. In essence, this is the first example of implementing a non-charitable token for charitable purposes. Until now, the BZT token was intended to be used within the Bloomzed platform as a key to the MLM loyalty system. Now it has become a unique charity tool.

As for the features of Limited Charity Token Offering, as a new tool for digital charity, its exceptional characteristics include the possibility of receiving benefits from participating in charity. So, within participation in Limited Charity Token Offering:

– charitable foundations receive funds from donators;

– donator, in turn, receives not only moral and spiritual satisfaction, but also a token that they will later be able to use within the Bloomzed platform, pay for the goods and services of the project’s partners partially or completely, as well as sell the token on one of the exchanges on which it is traded (PROBIT, COINSBIT, LATOKEN, P2PB2, EXRATES, TAGZ);

– member companies that provides the opportunity to fully or partially pay for its goods and services using the BZT token, receives a loyal customer, as well as additional global PR in a positive, charitable context.

So, absolutely everyone benefits from participating in Bloomzed Limited Charity Token Offering! But that’s not even the point. By participating in this new charity movement of the Bloomzed project, anyone can join and help in the fight against the global problem, which is the main mission of the project founders. Bloomzed aims to unite the whole world and help a new future come true!


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