Ecosystem OTON Announces OTON Token Listing on the C3.Exchange


On May 17 2021, the system for monetizing content OTON is starting the sales of its token OTON on the cryptocurrency exchange С3.Exchange.

OTON, (Optimal Trade Over Network) is a business network for monetizing an audience that, similar to social networks, uses a unified identification system, but differs by providing an opportunity to enter the system via any product or platform. Currently, OTON unites accounting system, trading and educational platforms, as well as its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

“Since it is possible to integrate an educational portal, a trading portal, different types of software to, it means that it is possible to integrate any functionality or service from any place in the world. The more companies, services and offers are connected, the less the system depends on the external world, the more it becomes a closed ecosystem. The system even has its own currency. The internal economy is being set up among entrepreneurs, their producers, and their clients. They all become a part of a global network and make profits from doing business with each other,” shares Anatoliy Ille, the CEO of the OTON project.

From a technical perspective, the ecosystem is built on the blockchain that guarantees impartiality, immunity from censorship and manipulations, as well as the decentralized nature of governance. This blockchain is a proprietary solution created based on proven techniques of popular blockchains, generic modules and the code distributed under the MIT license. The blockchain code is written in the coding language Golang by using the Tendermint framework.

The OTON blockchain is working on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm. The DPoS algorithm allows achieving the high speed of transactions that is of critical importance for distributing rewards among large distribution network structures.

OTON tokens are the main currency of the blockchain that is used for executing all types of transactions within the network. All mutual settlements within the OTON ecosystems are processed in this token by smart contacts. Currently, the token is issued on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. The migration to the OTON blockchain is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022.

The OTON token emission is limited to 2 billion coins.

С3.Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates within several jurisdictions, including the CIS countries, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

The OTON project resources:

Ecosystem webpage —
Blockchain platform —
Marketplace —
White paper —


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