
The Next Generation of Blockchain Games

The Virtual Reality (VR) industry is set to be one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet with an incredible 118% compound annual growth rate. For some of you, these numbers might sound out of this world, and they are! Most of this growth is hyped up by VR gaming. It’s true that virtual reality is penetrating many industry sectors, from healthcare to engineering. But the entertainment industry, gaming, in particular, is the one where VR really has seen mass adoption.

Nowadays, a VR set is cheaper than a mobile phone and it works with whatever device you already own. Anyway, it seems that most gamers prefer to use a VR set with their console. Over 2 million headsets have been sold by Sony in 2017. These numbers make even more sense when you realize that consoles have cheaper headsets. Anyway, more and more brands are joining the market and the price of a VR device gets more and more attractive.

While the VR industry is on the verge, the VR esports space is not well-defined. We know that the global esports revenues grew to over $1 billion in 2020. But the industry is dominated by traditional computer games. There are not so many ways for VR players to earn revenue. That’s where the Age of ILCoin Retribution VR game is serving a niche. Through playing the game players can get familiar with the blockchain environment by exploring a virtual world dominated by ILCoins and earn actual tokens.

For the next generation of VR games, it should come as no surprise that the “Age of ILCOIN Retribution: VR” is one game that has set a clear benchmark. It starts a new paradigm in gaming, one where the real-time usage of coins in gaming environments can be traded and stored securely.

A Primer About the Age of ILCoin Retribution

The Age of ILCoin Retribution is set in a futuristic sci-fi action setting where the ultimate treasure is ILCoins (ILCs). The player’s ultimate objective is to protect their coins and earn more in the process.

Age of ILCOIN Retribution is a virtual reality game that places us in the present year 2020 and takes place in the ILCOIN universe, it is in recession and cryptocurrencies are the most important asset, with ILCOIN being the most coveted currency.

The Age of ILCoin Retribution continues the dApp-blockchain parallel processes within the game. You will become “The miner”;  who defends the base ship against the alien soldiers commanded by “D’Boss”; whose main objective is to get rid of the miner and his team, in order to have control of all the ILCOINS.

The difference this time is that the gaming environment reaches additional levels of complexity.

During one of their fights they are involved in an accident that ends up leading them to a wormhole and, of course, to many problems.You will be able to visit a different kind of landscapes on a strange planet and also get to know our mothership, which includes statues of our characters. In this apocalyptic vision of the plot you can know the way of being of the characters, and laugh with them. During the slaughter you do to the aliens you can listen to funny phrases and entertain ourselves even when you die from the waves of attack in the different scenarios of the game. In the imaginary of Age of ILCOIN you can enjoy different enemies, attack patterns, defenses and even the occasional surprises

Practice your aim while enjoying this entertaining story at different levels, and be amazed by all the environments created by 3D artists who put all their creativity to create a new and interesting world for the enjoyment of all gamers who like to shooters and virtual reality.

Three Central Characters Serve the Interests of the Player

Miner helps to build defensive systems for the player. He is your loyal sidekick who has the player’s best interests at heart. While the new roles for Miner aren’t known yet, it seems that he will do his best to ensure that new opportunities to earn micro amounts of ILCoins come the player’s way.

C2P is the artificial intelligence that guides the player. Just like other things that have to do with artificial intelligence, C2P provides insights and information to the player for optimal decision-making.C2P is like a personal guide that provides the player with actionable intel for immediate action.

Then we have the great warfare strategist, General Bear. General Bear is the go-to guy who provides the player with guidance before the shooting starts. Going by his designation “General,”  Bear’s approach to solving problems stems from his experienced military expertise. He provides the player with the strategies needed to win.

Da Boss is the Game’s Antagonist. Da Boss is interested in one thing only: ILCoins. He will do anything to get his hands on them. In the currently available release of the game, he desperately needs ILCoins so he can visit a space club. Da Boss has several minions who keep charging toward the player with all sorts of attacks. These attacks range from grenades to stings from giant scorpions. The situation doesn’t look good, though.

The fast-paced nature of the game means that the player has to maintain their wits about them at all times.

The Success of Age of ILCoin Retribution

Age of ILCoin Retribution will be available on the world leading platforms. The game was born at the ILCOIN Dev Team headquarters with the aim of showing the world, through video games, one of the most promising cryptocurrencies of these years: ILCOIN.

Having the Age of ILCoin Retribution within that ecosystem shows that we can look forward to many serious future upgrades.

It also means that the use-case scenarios for ILCoin are going to expand within the game.

Players will transact within the game with no doubts about security.

The reason for this is simple: All transactions will run on the ILCoin has a very innovative blockchain development that can support blocks of, until now, 5GB in livenet (certificates) but with a practically unlimited potential due to the RIFT protocol. In the same way, we have the C2P security level that prevents the 51% attack not only with current technology but even with that of the future, that is, this protocol is quantum resistant.

Age of ILCoin Retribution is a Perfect Example of the Next Generation of Blockchain Games

With the current rise in Age of ILCoin’s fanbase, the new version will give several heavy hitters in regular gaming a run for their money. It will also be a first: One where a real-time environment works side-by-side with a blockchain without interruptions on either end. These are because of the characteristics of the ILCoin blockchain. Based on its Command Chain (C2P) protocol, this blockchain has smart contract capabilities that offer the most secure technologies available (currently SHA-256).

What Does This Mean for Next Generation Gaming?

As cryptocurrency adoption rises, gaming will be one of the first places to have an influx of newbies. ILCoin provides an environment for next-generation games to thrive. And there will be many!

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