Tuesday, 9 January 2018 Zug, Switzerland. Following its successful ICO, in which over $31 million was raised from nearly 15,000 participants, and on the eve of the start of trading on OKEx & HitBTC, trade.io is outlining its future plans and timelines of its exchange and liquidity pool. As will be emphasized in the following summary, trade.io is completely committed to ensuring its clients and Trade Token holders are always at the forefront of any of its initiatives and procedures. We will always put the customers’ interests first and foremost. The Trade Token (TIO) will be listed on 11 January on the OKEx and HitBTC exchanges. We will be announcing additional exchanges in the near future in which Trade Token will be listed.
Regulatory Plans
trade.io intends to have and is actively seeking multiple licenses in an effort to adhere to multiple regulatory regimes around the globe. Currently in its scope are presences including but not limited to in Gibraltar, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Japan and Switzerland. The experienced management of trade.io understands the need to have various licenses to ensure its in the best possible position to service its clients in the most compliant manner possible.
Customer Service
It’s not uncommon for crypto exchange customers to experience lengthy support wait times of up to a week plus, and sometimes no reply at all. trade.io feels this unacceptable and as a result will be introducing a strict “24 Hours or Less” policy. This means that each and every inquiry will receive a personal response within 24 hours of submission, and will have 24/7 service via email, live chat, and of course our popular Telegram channel. The trade.io customer support management team has over a decade of experience, and has developed a revolutionary training method, to make the team not only educated in the product, but also quickly scalable to deploy over a hundred + customer support reps at a time.
Education & Seminars
Through its analysis trade.io has found the educational aspect of crypto currencies is severely lacking and is committed to changing it. trade.io will be holding face to face seminars throughout the globe where its traders can learn about crypto currencies and how to trade them. Additionally, there will be weekly online seminars where trade.io clients can participate and ask questions.
Platform & Release Timing
trade.io clients will be using one of the most user friendly & safe crypto trading exchanges on the market. In addition to multiple safety protocols like the utilization of 2FA & Google Authenticator for withdrawals, the entire construction of the platform is being overseen by leading online security experts. The exchange will be fully scalable and robust, meaning it will be able to handle a continuous mass influx of customers, and be able to handle even the most voluminous times during volatile markets.
The current estimated time of delivery for the trade.io exchange and liquidity pool is the middle to late March, 2018. trade.io will be releasing sneak peaks at its platform and functionality overviews over the next couple of weeks, and will let a few lucky Trade Token holders the ability to “try” out the BETA version of the platform in mid to late February.
About trade.io
trade.io democratizes the financial markets and saves money for investors and companies through reducing and eliminating fees and inefficiencies by utilizing its innovative Blockchain trading platform. Disrupting a whole ecosystem of banks, advisors, markets, and record keepers which are extracting fees and can be disintermediated and commoditised by more efficient peer-to-peer Blockchain platforms. The trade.io exchange not only supports trading of assets, but supports a more efficient listing of assets in the crypto economy under the indelible and trusted history that Blockchain provides. The company couples these operational assets with investment banking experience, senior advisory expertise, as well as operating their system in a regulated and compliant environment.