Here at news BTC we recently formed a partnership with what we see as a very interesting concept in the digital currency space – SharetheBTC.
This company has designed a platform and concept with the goal of spreading the word about bitcoin, through a sort of share network for which the initiator receives a particular amount of BTC based on the number of BTC transferred to those members of his network.
So how does it work? First, you have to sign up to the site. You can do this here. You will receive a reference code upon sign up – so take note of this and keep it in a safe place. Next, you have to send a particular amount of bitcoin to the public address shown on the website. Then, add your personal public address to which you wish to receive your earnings. You get to choose how much bitcoin you want to receive from each transaction, so enter this and you have become a SharetheBTC “sharer”. Now you are a sharer, all you have to do is start spreading the word. When you tell your friends and family or colleagues, or whoever else you wish to educate about bitcoin and the advantages of the digital currency, you give them your reference code and tell them to sign up to the website. Once they sign up, you will receive 90% of all BTC transferred using your reference code. It’s that simple!
What do you think the SharetheBTC concept? A good way to educate the masses about the benefits of digital currency? Let us know…