Mars One Foundation Accepting Bitcoin For Private Manned Mission to Mars

Mars One Foundation Indiegogo

Have some spare bitcoins you’d like to give away but don’t know how? The Mars One Foundation — the private operation hoping to launch a manned mission to mars (a human settlement) — is now accepting bitcoins using BitPay for a  number of perks on Indiegogo, a crowdsourcing platform.

Bitcoin contributions can earn the contributor anything from a mission backstage pass for the equivalent of $10 USD, all the way to being a Mars One benefactor and receiving a VIP tour for the equivalent of $25,000 USD.

But will the project even lift off? With 18 days remaining, the Mars One foundation needs to raise up to $400,000 on Indiegogo, and so far have accrued $143,197. Still, $400,000 seems like a tiny budget for an interplanetary mission — though Mars One says this funding is for the “first major step” of the mission, which entails a lander and satellite mission in four years.

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