LetsExchange.io, a fast-growing instant multi-currency exchange platform with over 60,000 supported crypto pairs, has introduced user accounts to its set of functions. This upgrade is aimed at amplifying crypto exchange experience through a set of advanced features.
Creating an account is not necessary to exchange crypto on the platform. Users that prefer to remain unregistered can continue using this instant exchange as usual. However, creating an account takes the user experience on the platform to a higher level. Those that opt for having an account can benefit from the following additional features:
- Statistics. This feature displays the user’s detailed exchange history. Transactions can be sorted by using different filters such as date, sent/received cryptocurrency, and transaction status. A user can also see the most popular exchange pairs as well as their recently used pairs.
- Portfolio Management. With LetsExchange’s portfolio management tool, a user has an overview of their digital assets. It eases greatly the management of digital assets.
- Affiliate Program. This feature allows users and partners to earn commissions on each swap they refer. Crypto platforms and media, bloggers and influencers can start generating affiliate income straight away. LetsExchange provides affiliate links and API integration at the moment. Exchange widgets and white label solutions will be available soon.
- Withdrawal Options. Depending on the total referred exchange amount, affiliate partners earn a 0.45% to 0.95% commission on every swap coming from their platform. When integrating through API, they have the alternative to set their custom exchange fee for a higher revenue share. Affiliates can easily withdraw their affiliate earnings to their BTC wallets through the relevant section of the personal account.
These new features come as part of a major upgrade of the LetsExchange platform. Recently, five new language versions of this website were released (Russian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish). LetsExchange users worldwide can now swap crypto using the language of their preference. The platform has also listed a lot of new coins. Around 250 cryptocurrencies are now available in total, and this number continues to grow.
As the platform’s upgrade is going on, the LetsExchange team is planning to add more features including fiat-to-crypto transfers in the near future.
All these improvements open more possibilities to profit from the use of cryptocurrencies. LetsExchange is committed to offering a highly secure and reliable exchange service. By leveraging data technology, this platform offers the most competitive exchange rates in the market. As a non-custodial service, LetsExchange doesn’t store users’ private keys and assets. The risk of losing digital coins to hacking or account hijacking is nonexistent.
About LetsExchange
LetsExchange.io is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of the exchange process to help them get the most out of every crypto swap.